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MailOptions interface

Email message definition. Compatible with nodemailer Mail.Options.


export interface MailOptions 


attachments?readonlyMailAttachment[](Optional) An array of attachment objects
bcc?readonlyMailDestination(Optional) Comma separated list or an array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the Bcc: field
cc?readonlyMailDestination(Optional) Comma separated list or an array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the Cc: field
from?readonlystring | MailAddress(Optional) The e-mail address of the sender. All e-mail addresses can be plain or formatted Sender Name <>
html?readonlystring(Optional) The HTML version of the message
replyTo?readonlystring | MailAddress(Optional) An e-mail address that will appear on the Reply-To: field
sender?readonlystring | MailAddress(Optional) An e-mail address that will appear on the Sender: field
subject?readonlystring(Optional) The subject of the e-mail
text?readonlystring(Optional) The plaintext version of the message
to?readonlyMailDestination(Optional) Comma separated list or an array of recipients e-mail addresses that will appear on the To: field