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ONC Certified for (b)(10)

· 2 min read
Reshma Khilnani

The Medplum team is pleased to announce that we have certified the (b)(10) ONC Criteria - Electronic Health Information Export.

To see details related to our certification please check out our ONC Certification page.

What does this mean?

It means that a full export of a patient's data can be pulled from Medplum in a machine readable format, in a timely manner. At the time of this writing, the CHPL lists 70 EHRs have certified the (b)(10), out of 708 total. The requirements are summarized as follows:

✅ All data for a specific patient can be exported

✅ Machine readable format

✅ Timely export

✅ Self-service, can be done without contacting support

For those new to EHRs,** it can come as a surprise that it isn't a requirement that a patient's data be exportable in machine readable format**. This criteria is relatively recent, and a result of the 21st Century CURES Act. We believe it is a great benefit to our industry and for patients.

Medplum's implementation is open source and we believe we are the only open source implementation of this criteria so far. For data management certification criteria, the key benefit of open source is composability. Instead of ripping and replacing a huge monolithic system that needs to conform to one or more complex compliance frameworks, you can progressively enhance an implementation to fit the requirements of your specific scenario.